The new Addington Knitters meet every Friday in Miss Blackburn's classroom where they are learning all sorts of knitting, including finger knitting, French knitting and crocheting.
The Addington Article provides an opportunity for our children to share with the world all the fun and exciting activities they get up to at Addington School and within the local community.
On Thursday, Wayne Smith (the “backs” coach of the All Blacks), Bryn Evans and Neemia Tialata (current All Blacks) came to visit the Pre -School and Primary School Conductive Education children at Addington.
We asked Wayne Smith if he knew about Conductive Education and he said he had visited lots of times and he thought it was fantastic because it teaches children every day skills.
It was Bryn and Neemia’s first visit and they were both very excited.
After introducing themselves, the men met all the children and gave them a poster each. Then we all went outside for a game of “tug -of-war” . Conductive Ed verses the All Blacks!!! Conductive Ed WON!!!!!
Next Bryn and Neemia practised rugby line outs and scrums with the children. Brittany from our school caught the ball in the line out. Go Brittany!!
Then we asked Bryn and Neemia about being an All Black and they told us that they both get nervous before a game, but that was a good thing. They had both had serious injuries including Bryn’s ankle and Neemia’s problem with his knee and ear. For them, being part of a team was the best thing about being an All Black, especially hanging out with their mates.
The afternoon was lots of fun and we all got a chocolate frog at the end.
Funding cuts recently announced in the Budget could have devastating affects on our Conductive Education Unit. Cuts have been made in the money given to our school as part of our therapy entitlement. It is from this funding that we are able to pay our two wonderful conductors.
Our principal Trudy Heath has recently travelled to Wellington to put our case for continuing the present funding for our Conductive Education Unit. The Ministry is keen for the Addington Conductive Education Unit to continue however, without the therapy entitlement, the whole programme is currently under threat.
Addington School has a new school bus. A Walking School Bus!
On June 16th 2009 the Addington A-Tunes performed a beautiful song, ‘Welcome Home’ by Dave Dobbin.
The A-Tunes have been practising every week for the past two terms. The children have all made a huge commitment and showed a great passion for singing.
Every member of the Addington A-Tunes, should be very proud of their performance. Their efforts were outstanding and have been acknowledged by other schools as the standout performance of the night. They received the loudest applause and a standing ovation. Ka pai A-Tunes!
On Friday afternoon the “Green Team” walked down to the Community Gardens on Strickland St to find out some tips for our new school vegetable gardens, and to help celebrate Environment day.
The people who work there, told us that seeds need to be sown at twice their size into the soil, and that we could sow broad beans and sweetpeas in our new school plots.
We looked at their composting heaps and the size of their vegetable beds. We have started our own compost heaps at school, and collect foodscraps from the classrooms and lunch area. Mr Sinclair, our caretaker, puts the garden waste on the heaps too. In the spring we want to put our new compost onto the gardens to help our vegetables grow.
At the community gardens we helped plant parsley into pots and then painted the pots to take home.
We made coloured hand prints on a wall to celebrate Environment Day.
We had a busy afternoon, and even tried some rhubarb and apple muffins, and parsley pesto. They were yum!!
We are all looking forward to planting in our own school vegetable plots when they are made over the next few weeks.
Last week was Conductive Education Awareness and our troops were very busy visiting malls to spread the word about Conductive Education. On Tuesday the whole school was involved in a fun and games session organised for the morning. During this session Wayne Smith assistant All Black coach who is the Patron for Conductive Education visited us.